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'Spain's Summer Scores a Sizzling Fourth: 41°C Days & Tropical Twilight Teases!'

**Spain's Sizzling Summer Sequel: Aemet's Hot Alert!**

Brace yourselves, sun-seekers! Spain's in-house weather wizards, Aemet, have chirped up with a fresh heat alert that's set to sizzle from this Sunday (20 August) through to the midweek. That's right - if you're keeping score, it's heatwave numero cuatro for this summer season.

The forecast paints a vivid picture of heat ramping up in the northeast mainland, near those big ol' rivers. Picture this: On Sunday, Spain's thermostat might tickle the 38-40°C mark across the Ebro midlands, the sun-kissed south of Pyrenees, a snippet of Catalonia, the sultry Guadalquivir valley, and parts of west Andalucía. And if that’s not enough, there’s a chance some lowland regions in central Spain and the Guadiana valley might join the fiery fiesta!

Oh, but in Andalucía? They're taking the trophy home! In various provinces, including Huelva and Seville (among others), there are predictions of a whopping 41°C. And Aemet's gone ahead and raised the amber flag there from 1 pm to 9 pm, meaning it's ‘hot-happening’ territory.

Elsewhere, our Canarian pals will be feeling the heat too, with the mercury possibly crossing 34-36°C. In fact, most of mainland's innards, apart from the distant north, will be basking in it. Add to that some northerly winds in Galicia and Cantabria, a Mediterranean easterly breeze, a touch of northeast winds for the Canaries, and a pinch of variability elsewhere.

**Dialling up the Degrees!**
The real fire-show, it seems, will be on Monday and Tuesday. Expect the mercury to touch, or maybe even leapfrog, the 40°C line in large patches of the southwest and northeast. Also, Mallorca and southern Galicia might enter the 36-38°C league.

From Wednesday, 23 August, things may get a tad unpredictable. Aemet hints at an atmospheric mood swing, with potential showers and rumbles across mainland's inland. This might cool off some eastern sections a bit. But don't get too hopeful; the heat's still in town.

To cap it off, nocturnal nature enthusiasts, we've got some 'tropical' nights ahead! Aemet warns of evenings lounging over the 20°C mark, even flirting with 23-25°C in the southern, central, and Ebro valley parts. So, keep those fans handy and enjoy Spain's sizzling summer spree!

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